Visit the oldest house in Mariánské Lázně dating from 1818 that is connected with the name of a German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Take a look at the history of Goethe’s stays and at the secret of his love for young Ulrike von Levetzow. Discover a royal life in the spa via a reconstructed apartment belonging to the English King Edward VII.
Walk in the footsteps of healing springs and let carry you away by the sweet history of spa wafers. Besides the permanent expositions you find there also an Art gallery Goethe where prominent artists, sculptors and photographers exhibit their works.
III.-XII. / 2-7 / 9.30-17.30
24., 31.XII. / 9.30-13
2.-7.I. / 9.30-17.30
Closed: 25.XII., 1.I.
BUS: 3, 5, 6, 7 / Muzeum
BUS and train: Time tables
Městské muzeum a galerie Mariánské Lázně
Goethovo náměstí 11
353 01 Mariánské Lázně